Author: admin
Happy Earth website
Hey everyone i just stumbled onto this website! lots of great info, inspiring my designs for the new house block, especially the mandala garden.. take a look:
Women’s Only PDC – 14th March – 28th March 2010
Women’s Only PDC in Far North Queensland with Rosemary Morrow Courses/Workshops — by Kym Kruse 14th March – 28th March 2010 Walkamin • Near Cairns • Far North Queensland Don’t miss this unique opportunity to take part in a very special two week Women’s Only Permaculture Design Certificate Course, taught by one of the best,…
Food Forest
INGHAM OPEN GARDEN On the 13th of June Alan and I had the chance to drive up to Ingham to visit the open gardens. The main reason to go was that the Erhardt garden was on show, and for new members, Rene and Eva have been into permaculture for many years. Their garden was flooded…
Egyptian Spinach
Egyptian Spinach (Corchorus olitorius) has a bright green leaf with a soft texture when eaten, and children love it. It loves the heat and should be grown in full sun. It can be germinated from seed and grown in humus-rich soil. Egyptian Spinach contains beta-carotene, calcium, chlorophyll, folic acid, mucin, pantothenic acid (vitamin B5, vitamin…
August Meeting
Topic: Simon Edmunds will be conducting a walk and talk on the history and evolution of the food forest. Time and date: 2pm, Sunday, 23 August Where: Ross Island Food Forest, Corner of First Avenue and Fifth Street, Railway Estate. View Larger Map What to Bring: Hat and shoes Chair Something for the raffle Plate…
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