On the 13th of June Alan and I had the chance to drive up to Ingham to visit the open gardens.
The main reason to go was that the Erhardt garden was on show, and for new members, Rene and Eva have been into permaculture for many years. Their garden was flooded at the beginning of the year and they’ve put lots of work into it to re-establish in time for the open garden scheme.
The garden was a credit to them both, and it was very interesting to learn what survived the inundation and what had to be replaced. The fruit trees were in full production and the veges were at varying stages. Rene and Eva plant at intervals along their garden to avoid gluts in any one vegetable, something I have yet to master. Eva said the most problem in replanting were the herbs which were still struggling. The side gardens were a wonderful array of colourful tropical plants.

The other garden we visited while not permaculture was very interesting in that it featured agaves, and succulent type plants in the front garden. I would have thought with the extra rainfall and humidity, that these plants wouldn’t survive. The gardener at Valmoti garden was very passionate and used clever ideas to make her garden look much bigger than it actually was. She doesn’t pay over $10 for any plants and reuses all kinds of planters.

Donna Broomhall






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