Recycle your Kitchen Waste! Free Bokashi and Urban Composting Bucket on offer…

North QLD Conservation Council (NQCC) is delighted to announce its new ?Bokashi Bucketeers Brigade? project and is looking for 150 households around the region to participate in this innovative trial of an alternative way to keep kitchen scraps out of landfill and turn them into healthy compost and soil fertiliser.

So if you are in Townsville, Ayr, Charters Towers or Ingham and would like to be involved, go the to?NQCC Bokashi Project?website to find out more and to ‘sign up’ to be in the draw to join the Brigade. The lucky 150 households selected to participate will be required to fill in a simple entry and exit survey, and to keep a record of their household food waste and use of the Bucket ? which they get to keep at the end of the 8-week project!

Did you know that us Aussies throw away about 4.45 million tonnes of our food to landfill, every year??

That is on average, 936 kg per person, about 1/4 of what you pay for! That is a big waste while at the same time our valuable agricultural land is degrading to the point of no return – unless we do something about it!

A common permaculture saying is, ‘the problem is the solution’.?We can all do our bit to deal with the problem of disposing of waste products by taking direct action on how we deal with our household food waste. Food waste in landfills is not composting, and land degradation through conventional agriculture is increasing, it only seems plausible to try an approach offering solutions to both of these problems.

Integrating Bokashi technology into Urban Composting provides solutions that work to:

  • Close the loops… garbage to garden – waste to resource
  • Redirect waste from landfill
  • Improve soil fertility
  • Improve water quality
  • ‘Create’ homemade soil, cutting down the need to buy-in soil
  • Enable the growing of nutrient-rich food at home or within communities

So, if you are passionate about this, click here to do something about it!?



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