September Monthly Member’s Meeting

Hello there dear Permi-Folk,
Time again for another wonderful gathering on a sunday arvo! so let’s get over to
Eschelle’s place
Where ??92 Plamerston st, Currajong
?When? ?This Sunday, 2nd September, 1pm
? Why ? ?Because if you haven?t been to a permaculture meeting before than you don’t know what your missing out on!!
Things you may like to bring,
-something to share for lunch
-something for the raffle
Agenda for the meeting is being finalised so watch this space!
mobile phone tracker
Our meetings are quite relaxed and casual, we generally gather round the tables with goods and greetings, getting to know new faces n catching up on the latest goss in between mouthfuls of course =p
The raffle we hold is $2 a ticket n everyone wins a prize, usually made up of goods brought in eg, plants, seeds, food, jams/preserves, cuttings, jars, pots, tools or anything really?that would be used and appreciated by others =) all money collected goes to Permaculture Townsville to continue these events, workshops, film nights, stall holding and misc. costs incurred. After a brief chat about the group operations, we will organise the day get into some group activites
After the fun settles and the arvo sun calms, we may find ourselves being taken on a garden tour by the host, asking questions, gaining knowledge and sharing plant varieties. All in all a great way to spend a sunday arvo?
warm regards from the Permaculture Townsville Team =)



