Nicole Foss – Guest Lecture – Making Sense of the Financial Crisis in the Era of Peak Oil

Nicole Foss is co-editor of the Blog – The Automatic Earth, which has been chronicling and interpreting the on-going credit crunch and the economic climate that has allowed it to happen. She brings together finance, energy, environment, psychology, population and real governance in order to explain why we find ourselves in a state of crisis and what we can do about it.

Nicole?s presentations are gripping and will have you on the edge of your seat. Join us for a graphic presentation and question and answer sessions where Nicole will outline the direction and characteristics of a new environmentally sustainable economy and what this means in our everyday lives.


Nicole has spent the last few months delivering her presentation to audiences throughout Australia and New Zealand. Her well reasoned and frank advice on how to prepare for the challenges ahead has benefited the many appreciative attendees of her talks.

Bring yourself, friends and family to one of these talks so we can start taking action and build a resilient community based on local community values and needs.

Where: JCU Cairns – Crowther Theatre, Building A3, Lecture Room 1

JCU Townsville (by video-conference) – Nursing Sciences lecture theatre, Building 25, Room 001

When: Friday 12th May, 3:30pm for a 4pm start – 5:30pm

Free entry, no bookings required

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